Hjördís made the dough. Nine or ten batches of it. Two full buckets, see the white one on the picture. Woke up bright and early, "die fleizige Hjördís".
At half past one Emil, Birna and Valdís started the frying. We got permission to work in the cafeteria and soon the whole school smelled of freshly baked waffles. Four big trays, 100+ waffles. We didn't count.
Auri and Chiharu also got up with the rooster and made 111 patties filled with meat and potatoes to give to us to sell at the bingo. Auri is our English and Spanish teacher, a Shri Lankan lady, and Chiharu is a student who came to us from Japan. Both attracted by handsome Icelandic men, I presume ;-)
Of course they did it pretty much like professionals. Well, perhaps not like seasoned bingo hosts, shouting "A flea in heaven 37" or "Two fat ladies 88" like they do in the UK bingo halls or "down under", but nobody ever asked them to repeat a number that I heard.
We borrowed the bingo equipment from the local Kiwanis club, thanks to them!

Even those who didn't win any prizes. No wonder, the waffles were much better than ordinary waffles and the patties...
Maybe we'll make some waffles and patties for you Hungarians when you visit us next year :-)
it was great to see your bingo article! Congratulations! we are looking forward to those waffles...looking forward to Monday...
Monday's getting real close isn't it :-)
I´m... feeling hungary.. no im just joking..
wowowowow denis :)
hehehe.. somebody delete my comment please..
hehehe .. sniðugur .. ;)
It is not difficult to use this blogger.
Hi Everybody
Nice to hear that your money collecting action was succesfull. Now there are only 4days and some shorthours left and we will meet. Have prepared some nice programs for you. Some nice Hungarian girls and some even more handsome hungarian boys ( 2 of them surely ) will be present.
Cant wait for Monday
Your Daniel
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