Monday - October 24th

The airport bus picked us up at 11:00 - it was our first day without our Hungarian partners and that also meant that we had to look after ourselves. The bus driver spoke very little English - the German teacher even tried some German but without success. And the bus driver, of course, wanted to have some money for the trip.

We could check in at 1:30 - all of us had too heavy bags but we were lucky and didn't need to pay extra. At the duty free we used the opportunity to spend our last forints - which most of us did. I still have some Hungarian sweets left.

When we arrived in Keflavík airport our small minibus was already waiting for us. It was cold (-3°C) and dark. It was a huge difference from the nice weather in Hungary. We decided to drive to Selfoss (about 100 km) and have supper at Subways. We were the only guests in the restaurant. While we were waiting for the food a man I knew entered the restaurant. It was the headmaster of the secondary school in Selfoss. I had first met him at the eTwinning conference in Brussels last January. And of course I proudly showed him my group and told him what we had achieved the in the last few months.
It was almost nine in the evening when we left Selfoss - just four more hours to get home. On the way we it became obvious we were back - all kind of weather: rain, wind, moonlight and even some snow - this is very usual for Iceland. The weather is constantly changing.
At one o'clock in the morning we were finally in Höfn - having been travelling for the last 16 hours. We sorely needed our beds - tomorrow being a normal school day with classes beginning at eight o'clock.
It was nice to come back home and meet the family. Even though my little girl was asleep she noticed that I was back - she had been taking care of my bed the last two weeks and she held my very tight when I got in with her.
The last thought before I fell asleep? These last two weeks have been unique and a great experience, and I long to visit my friends in Hungary again sometime.