News and Trivia

Thursday, June 15, 2006

March through June - The rest of the school year

Let's see what's on the menu for the rest of the school year:

back to the school routine
catching up with the chores
fighting for the final grades
graduation ceremony in May
matura and entrance exams for seven of the ten team members

Meanwhile, of course, we want people to know about Iceland and the Water and Fire adventure. The team writes articles for Zalai Hírlap, the county paper, sends thank you letters to the sponsors, has presentations for the teaching staff and students of Kölcsey, as well as other schools. An exhibition shows posters with photos in different themes. On May 18 and 19, two interviews go on air in Pet?fi Rádió, one of the three main Hungarian radio stations.

What else? The teachers will have to write their project closing reports to the Icelandic National Socrates Office, and the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation, the two fund providers without whom this eTwinning partnership - however rich - would probably have remained on the level of electronic communication.


ps: pictures later...


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